Fully Integrated Software Platform,
Built by HVAC Duct Manufacturers, for HVAC Duct Manufacturers!
"Quote to Cash" with just one input of your customer data!
The Challenge
For many years, HVAC duct manufacturers have had to input data from customer detail sheets into 3 separate software systems that do not talk to each other.
First the data needs to be input into an estimating system to create a quote for the customer.
Second, the same data needs to be input into a manufacturing software that drives the plasma cutters in the shop to make the product.
Third, the same data needs to be input again, this time into an accounting software to handle the inventory control and customer billing.

Customer Cut Sheet
Manufacturing Software

Accounting Software

1. Input Data to Quote

Estimating Software
Quote to Customer

Receive Purchase Order
2. Input again for Mfg
3. Input again to Acct'g

Manufacture Duct
Deliver Duct

Invoice Customer

Collect Money
Are you ready to eliminate the waste of multiple inputs of the same data?
The Soulution

Input Customer Data into MfgSoul Software.
Submit Quote to Customer and Receive PO.

Manufacture ductwork and deliver to Customer.

Collect Cash.
Fully Integrated, Single Input, HVAC Duct Manufacturing System!
*** Note: For those HVAC Duct manufacturers using QuickPen, Quote Express or similar estimating systems, MfgSoul is capable of accepting text file exports into our platform for quick budget estimates.
“The MFGSoul platform has become the glue that holds our business processes together and it has allowed us to accelerate our billing period by more than 15 days. Leveraging the real-time dashboard capabilities has given us a global visibility on our resource capacity to take on new orders without causing any bottleneck. Now, we can easily access the data related to Finance Business Management (FBM), Source to Settle (StS), Procure to Pay (PtP) and Supply Chain Management (SCM) in order to make smart decisions and grow our business in the right direction. We are very pleased with the experience, professionalism and the customer focus of MFGSoul team.”
Hughes Vallee, CEO Tolerie Mirabel - MfgSoul platform client since 2021.
Sample of Product Capabilities